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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Slow News Day: Vanity Plates

We've all seen them -- personalized license plates. Some make you want to laugh, others make you want to shake your head. (They don't actually make you shake your head, mind you.)

James Lee of Bellevue said it only makes sense to personalize plates.
"I never understood the concept of spending $30,000 on a car and putting 'YRL 933' on it," he said. "I figured, why not spend another $80 of my hard earned cash in order to advertise the company from which I just bought the car?"

Lee, 28, said since he was 16 years old he's had personalized license plates which have added up over the years including: BUY FORD, LUV FORD, 4 BY FORD. "Driving a Ford which displays the Ford decals, a Ford hood ornament, the license plate frame which displays the Ford logo and the dealership from which I bought the car just isn't enough. I must have license plates that also make clear my everlasting devotion to the Ford Motor Company," Lee added.

Read more in the Sandusky Regurgitator.