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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Common Sense Shared With Area Teens; Will Likely Be Ignored

Local law enforcement has been sharing some very useful information with area teens lately, which will most likely be ignored. Law enforcement is stressing that using a cell phone, in particular the popular activity of "texting" is dangerous while driving.

"It's kind of important to pay attention when you're in control of two tons of steel hurtling down the road at breakneck speed," a Perkins police guy said. "Bad things might happen if you place more importance on sending that ever important "c u 2nite" message to Ashley when you should be paying attention to that tractor trailer merging into your lane."

"I know that finding out how Kevin is treating Melissa is very important, and that typing it out on a cell phone keypad in rudimentary slang and fractured sentences can sometimes feel like the most utmost priority, but trust me, it's not," the Perkins Police guy said.

An example of an inane text message that could get you killed while driving.

Read more in the Sandusky Regurgitator.