Welcome To Sandusky Regurgitator News...Regurgitator installs new commenting system. It's about fricken time...Judge Joseph Cirigliano orders Regurgitator Managing Editor to write favorable editorials about him. "Today I'm using my power to find out why you don't like me Mr. Westerhold," Cirigliano said before smacking his gavel repeatedly like a child with a new Bob the Builder hammer....LOCAL WEATHER REPORT: It just snowed. For more information put your head out a window....

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Big Surprise: NAACP Wants White Guys Fired

In a surprising fashion, some black lady who represents the National Advancement of Black People has asked, in knee jerk fashion, that a couple of white guys pay dearly blah blah blah blah blah. Blahbeddy blah blah, blip blah blah blip.

Read more in the Sandusky Regurgitator.