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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sandusky City Manager Still Seeking Allegations Against Police Chief

Sandusky city manager Matt Kline is still seeking allegations against police chief Kim Nuesse according to a flyer being distributed among downtown businesses. Nuesse was placed on administrative leave last month after Kline said that the entire police department made a verbal complaint that Nuesse was creating a hostile work environment. Kline said that the police department had a military formation on the front grass of the city building on Meigs street and yelled in unison, "CHIEF NUESSE IS CREATING A HOSTILE WORK ENVIRONMENT." "I didn't actually witness [the formation]," Kline said, "but I've been told it had occurred, by somebody, I can't remember who."

Kline said that the verbal complaint, as well as any language he uses in press releases or in public, no matter how vague or unsubstantiated pertaining to Chief Nuesse's conduct is open to interpretation. "If later on, I feel that someone has made a complaint worthy of disciplining the chief, I'll interpret my previous statements to mean whatever it was that the yet-to-be-discovered-person complained about."

Kline's flyer states that any man, woman, child or family pet with firsthand or even secondhand knowledge of complaints against the chief are invited to contact his office. Kline's flyer even invites heresay. "Even if you are unable to clearly articulate a complaint against chief Nuesse, an attorney will contact you to draft a summary of your allegations," the flyer states.

Kline has solicited the help of the Murray law firm to help draft the complaints. "We're offering our services to anyone who needs help giving us a reason to fire Kim Nuesse," said Dennis Murray, an area attorney who also serves on the Sandusky city commission. "Obviously this is a very important issue, and we're very serious about offering our services to anyone who is affected by this issue."

The flyer also gives possible complaint ideas for people who want to "just make shit up" which include the allegation that Nuesse "made me do my job" or "didn't let me sit on my ass all day at the police station."

City law director Don Icsman declined comment, but insisted that the reason for his denial should be left open to interpretation.