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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Nuesse Lawyers Want Crandall's Text Message Archive

An attorney for suspended police chief Kim Nuesse has demanded access to phone records and text messages from ship jumping city commissioner Brian Crandall.

Sandusky Attorney K. Ron Bailey believes full access to the text messages will give insight into the investigation into Nuesse's "relationship with the truth," a vague sounding phrase used by City manager Matt Kline.

A partial list of text messages were leaked by an unknown party sometime last week and spread like wildfire between city commissioner's and their staff. Crandall reportedly sent several text messages out that confirmed his desire to fire Noosee. The messages included:

  • do u tink we fire her?
  • wut do u want 2 do. i on hot seat. peeple asking ?'s. wut shuld i do?

Crandall's attorney claims that text messages are not public record.

Read more in tomorrow's edition of the Sandusky Regurgitator.