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Sunday, August 12, 2007

Bellevue Residents To Pay Board Member's Water Bill

Staff Reports

Bellevue City Schools are digging nearly $7,500 out of their pockets after receiving a statement for two board member's municipal water bills for the month of July.

The water bills were racked up by school board leaders James Lindy and Martin Sheller. Earlier this summer, Linder mistakenly left his bath tub running while on a golf outing. When he arrived home he found water running down his front steps and into his flower beds.

In an unrelated incident Sheller reportedly left a water hose running after filling his hot tub. Both left for the same golf outing and returned home to find the watery messes. According to Lindy, the pair may have "found a way out of paying the bill [with their own money]."

The pair's attorney delivered an invoice to the Bellevue Schools Treasurer explaining that because the golf outing was "school related" since school issues were discussed on the golf course, "any and all expenses related to the pair's water bills must be paid from the Bellevue Public School's general fund."

Many Bellevue residents are understandably upset about having to pay for the board member's water bill. Unfortunately the residents may have to pay for what most describe as "total bullshit."