Welcome To Sandusky Regurgitator News...Regurgitator installs new commenting system. It's about fricken time...Judge Joseph Cirigliano orders Regurgitator Managing Editor to write favorable editorials about him. "Today I'm using my power to find out why you don't like me Mr. Westerhold," Cirigliano said before smacking his gavel repeatedly like a child with a new Bob the Builder hammer....LOCAL WEATHER REPORT: It just snowed. For more information put your head out a window....

Friday, March 14, 2008

City Manager Places Self Under Suspension After City Members Make Verbal Complaints Against Him

City manager Matt Kline has placed himself on paid administrative leave, effective today, for making poor decisions in regards to taking premature actions against Police Chief Kim Nuesse. Sources say that several city members were unhappy with Kline's decision to place Kim Nuesse under suspension for unspecified reasons.

Kline acted after having several city members make verbal complaints to him about how he's giving the city a bad name and forcing his subordinates to work under hostile work conditions.

"I'm placing myself on administrative leave because somebody complained about me," Kline said, "I will sit at home until we hire an attorney who will investigate whether or not I made the right decision about Nuesse."

"We asked him if he wanted us to write the complaint down on paper. You know, so there would be a record, but he said no," city resident Don Baskins said. "It sounded weird. I mean, even a place like Kentucky Fried Chicken needs a paper trail when they fire someone."