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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

"City of Sandusky" Put To Sea Without Captain

A boat named after the city of Sandusky has accidently been put to sea without a captain.

Reports from the US Coast Guard Marblehead station indicate that at 3:45 pm the City Of Sandusky was drifting toward the Cedar Point breakwall. The boat will pretty much go wherever the current and wind take it," said Commander Rich Simmons. "This morning it was drifiting towards the sand bar, but there's no telling where it will end up," Simmons added

The boat was constructed by hard working and experienced ship builders from city of Sandusky, and then turned over to the city commission for christening and commissioning.

"We're not sure how [the the boat was launched with no crew aboard], but we're going to investigate," said city commissioner Dennis Murray. "The city of Sandusky may end up being a total loss, but I can guarantee you this: Our investigation will leave us with the benefit of the doubt as to what the city's leaders could've done about it before it happened." "That way you can't blame us," Murray added.