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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Edge: We Need Unity

Editor's note: The Edge will be a weekly forum for local high school students to voice their opinions on our community and abroad.

By Mark Dewitt
Senior, Sandusky High School

For 18 years I've been on this earth. For 18 years I've been meticulously learning about the world around me, gaining vast amounts of life experience and figuring out how the world works. I've seen the pain of watching my brother go through having his wisdom teeth pulled. I've seen my dad laid off from the Ford plant. I've seen so many things that lead me to believe that the one thing this world really need is unity.

I've examined all types of government. Democratic ones, Republican ones, city council meetings, city ward meetings (in another county) and I believe that they do not give us unity. What this country needs to make better decisions is to unite under one person. If we did this, decision making would not be caught up in endless committees, and pigeon holed. Decisions would be quick and problems would be solved.

In this country all decisions are stalled by another branch of government. When the president makes a decision, it is stalled by the congress. When congress makes a decision it is stalled by the judges. We need to put a stop to that. We need one person who is able to cut through the red tape for the betterment of this country. Thank you for reading this.