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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Totally Hot Flag Girl Slows Traffic

Staff Reports

Businesses near the west end of Sandusky have been complainging about slow traffic for the last several days as city workers block the north side of West Monroe street. Traffic has been reduced to one lane between the coal docks and Superior Street. According to a city road foreman, traffic wouldn't be affected as much except for the fact that a totally hot flag girl is assisting the crew and slowing traffic to near unacceptable levels.

The totally hot flag girl is reportedly wearing hip hugging jeans and a white tank top. Her sillouhette can be seen fron nearly two miles away causing male motorists to very slowly approach her "slow" sign. "I usually hate being the first person in a line of traffic to get stopped by a flagger," an anonymous male motorists said, "But today it's okay. She looks really out of place with that road vest on. She's so hot."

The totally hot flag girl's outfit has also raised safety concerns among some city workers. "She shouldn't be allowed to wear tank tops and those tight jeans anymore," says Brian Campos, a city worker who has been trying to concentrate on running heavy equipment with the totally hot flag girl working nearby. "This heat isn't helping any either," Campos added. "It's making her skin all sweaty."