Welcome To Sandusky Regurgitator News...Regurgitator installs new commenting system. It's about fricken time...Judge Joseph Cirigliano orders Regurgitator Managing Editor to write favorable editorials about him. "Today I'm using my power to find out why you don't like me Mr. Westerhold," Cirigliano said before smacking his gavel repeatedly like a child with a new Bob the Builder hammer....LOCAL WEATHER REPORT: It just snowed. For more information put your head out a window....

Friday, June 29, 2007

A civil suit filed against the Ohio Lottery Commission yesterday in Erie County Common Pleas court claims that a local man was duped into buying lottery tickets by the commission's motto, "odds are, you'll have fun."

The suit claims that James Barhart, 60 of Sandusky has been left with deep feelings of depression and loss over his 20 year losing streak in Ohio Lottery games, says Barhart's attorney Dennis Murran Sr. The lawsuit seeks $34 million in compensatory damages, and an additional $6 million for pain and suffering,"My client has been reeled in by the false advertising blitz of the Ohio Lottery Commission," Murran says. "Obviously, he's not having fun. He hasn't been having fun for quite some time." The suit also states that the Lottery Commission has failed to enact an oversight committee which could help determine if players are actually having fun. "If one cannot prove whether one is having fun, how can one advertise such on lottery billboards across the state of Ohio?" the suit states.

Attempted Jedi Mind Trick Lands Man In Jail

Sandusky Police say that a drunken motorist's attempted Jedi mind trick landed him in jail early Thursday morning. Jose M. Rodriquez, address unknown, was stopped at a sobriety checkpoint near Cabana Jacks when the smell of alcohol was detected by officers. When a state highway patrolman asked Rodriguez to exit his vehicle, Rodriguez slowly waved his hand in front of the Patrolman and announced, "This isn't the drunk you're looking for...you will allow me to drive away." Although Rodriguez was promptly arrested for DUI and obstructing official business, records show that jedi mind tricks have been used successfully to elude authorities. "Our troopers undergo training to make them less susceptible to jedi mind tricks," said Lt. Greg Gregilla, a spokesperson for the Ohio Patrol. "Also, I think that the force is pretty much in our corner."

"These aren't the droids you're looking for." Obi Wan Kenobi successfully used a Jedi Mind Trick on Imperial Stormtroopers