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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Pistol Shoot Delays Court Hearing

Staff Reports

A court hearing scheduled for next week in the McClung defamation case was postponed by an Erie County Judge yesterday. Perkins Police Chief Tim McClung's legal counsel requested a continuance after a scheduling oversight in the Chief's schedule, said Judge Roger Binette. McClung did not realize that his department had a "very expensive" pistol and rifle shoot scheduled on the same day.

McClung is suing Perkins Township Trustee Bill Dwelle and wife Sandy for defamation and other outrageous acts. McClung alleges that Dwelle was "paying too much attention to the Perkins Cowboys [Perkins Police] and their outrageous spending of township money on unecessary police equiptment."

The hearing had been scheduled by both parties' attorneys, but it's not uncommon for scheduling changes to be requested, although the changes must be approved by a judge. Binette said that this is the first time he's ever had to delay court because of a gun shoot.

"[We bought] about $45,000 worth of ammunition for this weapons shoot, and if I didn't show up to burn through the ammo, how irresponsible would that look to the Perkins taxpayers?" McClung said.