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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Edmon Family Receives Good Citizenship Award

The Sandusky City Commission has announced the winner of Sandusky's 2007 Annual Good Citizenship Award.

The award is given to a family residing in city limits that demonstrates Sandusky's core family values and serves as an example to other Sandusky families. Ex-Officio Mayor Dan Kaman announced Monday during a city commission meeting that fellow commissioner Dannie Edmon would be accepting the award on behalf of his family. Kaman cited Edmon's flawless public service record and Edmon's majestically decorated front yard as support for the decision.

Commissioner Dannie Edmon

Also attending the meeting were Edmon's sister Peggy Mayo, a local bailbonds woman, Darwitt Garrett, the ousted former president of the local NAACP, and Monroe Edmon, a Sandusky resident who sometimes pretends to be his brother Dannie.

Monroe Edmon's hands shook and his heartbeat was visible through his polyester shirt as his brother Dannie accepted the award.

"This is a huge milestone for my family," Monroe stated.