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Thursday, January 01, 2009

Sandusky City Manager Diagnosed With Mysterious Skin Condition

By Tom Jackedup sanduskyregurgitator@yahoo.com

Sandusky City Manager Matt Kline has been diagnosed with a mysterious skin condition, a local doctor says, on condition of anonymity.

"Mr. Kline said that the skin on his hands were bothering him for the last few weeks," said the doctor, "he said that a rash had developed on his fingers and the back of his hands."

Skin conditions of this nature can sometimes flare up in times of stress, said the anonymous doctor. "I told Mr. Kline to avoid rubbing [his hands] together excessively, no matter how nervous or on edge he feels."

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Sandusky City Manager Matt Kline is seen here rubbing his hands together with feverish intensity during his testimony at the civil service trial of fired police chief Kim Nuesse.