Welcome To Sandusky Regurgitator News...Regurgitator installs new commenting system. It's about fricken time...Judge Joseph Cirigliano orders Regurgitator Managing Editor to write favorable editorials about him. "Today I'm using my power to find out why you don't like me Mr. Westerhold," Cirigliano said before smacking his gavel repeatedly like a child with a new Bob the Builder hammer....LOCAL WEATHER REPORT: It just snowed. For more information put your head out a window....

Sunday, May 25, 2008

New Half-Full Toft's Ice Cream To Contain 50% Less Fat

Staff Reports

Toft's Dairy Incorporated has announced plans to begin producing half gallon ice cream cartons that contain 50% less fat, says a company spokesman. "We're trying to cut down on fat content to keep up with popular food standards," says Toft's marketing director Jannice Ingersol. "The fat content in ice cream would no longer scare so many people off." Ingersol added. Toft's plans to lower fat content by selling half gallon ice cream boxes which are only half full. "In theory, even if you ate the entire half full box you'd only be consuming half as much fat content as you would if you were to eat an entire half gallon of Toft's brand ice cream." Ingersol believes that this approach will save Toft's money in the long run without compromising the taste of their hugely popular ice cream.